Ebooks in PDF Format: Themes of Biblical CreationismChristian Apologetics/Evangelical Christ

Thursday, August 29, 2024

PAGE 16: General Comments: Christianity vs. Atheism

© Copyright 2024 P.J. Stassen
All Rights Reserved


1. IS CHRISTIANITY FOOLISHNESS? Ever so often one may hear a skeptic or an atheist say that Christianity is "foolishness"; so, are they right? Is Christianity really foolishness? Many people will perhaps be shocked to hear that, speaking in pure human terms, such people may actually be right. In fact, as a Christian I bravely acknowledge ... observed from a human viewpoint, the whole concept, idea and socio-cultural institution of Christianity was, in truth, founded and predicated on, "foolishness". However, I must add, it is a very special kind of foolishness, a kind of foolishness referred to as, "the foolishness of God."

2. THE FOOLISHNESS OF GOD. What does the Bible say about the 'foolishness' of God? Could God, yes, the absolutely infinite and infinitely absolute God, ever be 'foolish'? It stands to reason that, if God were really omnipotent (Almighty), He obviously could be 'foolish' too if He ever should chose to be so. There is nothing that God cannot do (except lie). The Bible says that: "For since, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom did not know God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe." (1Corinthians1:21MKJV). 
   Here the Apostle Paul actually concedes that the preaching of the gospel is 'foolishness', and that it was determined to be so and used in this way because, as history has shown, the world, by secular wisdom, could not and would not know God. What worldly, secular wisdom could not engineer and accomplish, was, in the end, engineered and accomplished by the wisdom of preaching, i.e., the 'foolishness' of the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, dear reader, that is why Christianity sometimes appears to be so 'foolish' ... it was the only recipe that in the long run was destined to work.

3. THE WISDOM OF GOD. Ask 'MENSA' ... most people in the so-called "high-I.Q." category will probably fall within the 130-140+ group; some may have I.Q.'s in the 160s, 180's and even 200+. In comparison, however, God, the Creator of heaven and earth, has an assumed I.Q. of INFINITY to the power of INFINITY. There is no way any man on earth will ever be able to compete with that. Even the Bible concedes that the mind of God is "infinite". 
   To save humankind from sin and provide humanity with the remarkable gift of Salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary (Gk. 'Golgotha'), all of the wisdom and high (divine) I.Q. of God was not really needed for the exercise, for, in fact, His foolishness (the foolishness of the preaching of the gospel) has proved, over centuries, to be totally sufficient. Why? Because the foolishness of God is even wiser than the wisdom of all the of the wisest people on earth all put together. The Bible says: " ... but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness." (1 Corinthians1:23MKJV).

4. WHY WAS THE GOSPEL A STUMBLING BLOCK? Why was the gospel a stumbling block to Jews and Greeks? Because the gospel offended the Jews, i.e., the learned ecclesiastics and scholars of the day steeped in centuries of (very valuable and divinely inspired) Judaism, the Torah and Mosiac Law, and with the novel idea of Jesus Christ being introduced as the long-awaited Messiah, consequently received as completely foreign to them at the time. 
   The gospel also offended the Greeks, the intellectuals, philosophers and wise men of the day and paragons of worldly, human (secular and pagan) wisdom. Do not scoff at the Greeks, however, for the entire New Testament was first given to us first in the Greek language; it would thus appear as if God really knew what He was doing, didn't He?

5. WHY DID THE WOLRD'S WISDOM FAIL HUMANKIND? The Bible is very clear ... the wisdom of God is in a totally different league than that of humankind, described by the Bible as 'foolishness with God'. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written, "He takes the wise in their own craftiness." (1 Corinthians 3:19MKJV). 
   The foolishness of God is nevertheless still far (divinely) superior to whatever humankind has to offer or conjure up, so much so that it (the wisdom of humankind) was and is still being exposed as 'foolishness'.


   6.1 Atheists may not be born again. Because atheists & skeptics may not be 'born-again'; to be able to see, discover and understand the kingdom of God (as articulated by the gospel of Jesus Christ), a person must be "born again". The Bible says: "And there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles which you do unless God is with him. Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:1-5MKJV). Theologians refer to this phenomenon (of being born-again) as 'spiritual regeneration'. The Bible says: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." (John 3:6MKJV). 

   6.2 The Natural Man has a hard time understanding the Gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ comes across as 'foolishness' to the atheist and skeptic because the gospel must be spiritually discerned. The Bible says: "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14MKJV). 
   The natural man will thus, by default, consider the gospel as foolishness, and, unless he repents will probably, in Eternity, be cut off from the presence of God forever. Sadly, the Bible says: "For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18MKJV).
   Therefore the earnest encouragement from Jesus Christ Himself: "Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again." (John 3:7MKJV). The only thing standing in the way of saving faith is pride, not lack of knowledge. Humility, i.e., the humility that will accept the words, character and bona fides of Jesus Christ in simple faith, has great reward, for, without faith, it is impossible to please God. 
   The Bible says: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him (GOD), for he who comes to God must believe that He is (EXISTS) and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6MKJV).

   6.3 Faith Unlocks Understanding. Atheists and skeptics refuse to believe the gospel, an attitude that bars them from understanding the gospel. Faith, not knowledge, unlocks understanding. The Bible says:
   "Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." (Romans 10:9MKJV).

7. THE INVITATION STILL STANDS. God's 'Water of Life' comes free; Jesus said: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God draws near. Repent, and believe the gospel." (Mark 1:15MKJV). "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify these things to you over the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let the one hearing say, Come! And let the one who is thirsty come. And he willing, let him take of the Water of Life freely." (Revelation 22:16-17MKJV).


Roman Catholics should revisit their doctrines involving the Pope:

- God the Father is the 'Holy Father', not the Pope.

- Jesus Christ is the 'Head of the Church', not the Pope.

- The Holy Spirit is the 'Vicar of Christ', not the Pope.

- Jesus Christ is the Rock upon which the Church (Ecclesia) is founded, and not on the Apostle Peter as the "first Pope" (sic).


1. GREAT SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATOR? Someone has hinted that Dawkins is a "great scientific communicator." Really? A man who once has suggested that "aliens" may have populated the earth in the beginning? A man who, unethically and unscientifically, submits unfalsifiable, paleontologically driven data about fossils as "evidence for Evolution"?
   With his take on the origins of the Cosmos and the world at large, and judged from his absurd pronouncements about the Bible, God and Jesus Christ, Dawkins should rather consider joining the 'Church of Scientology' (sic). They (more or less) appear to talk the same language.

2. CHRISTIANS DO NOT OWE ATHEISTS AN EXPLANATION. Although Christians love to share their Christian testimony with anyone, including atheists, and love to speak up in defence of God, Jesus Christ, the Gospel and the Bible, Christians do not owe atheists an explanation, for it is not as if God, Jesus Christ and the Bible need any defence at all. 
   Christians are not intellectual midwives for atheists to help them magically birth a belief in God. Christians are basically 'despatch riding' dispensers and preachers of the Gospel, and, technically speaking, no person on earth has the right to hear the Gospel twice until everyone on earth had heard it at least once; it is only because of the magnanimity of Christians (and perhaps 'close proximity' to atheists) that they tolerate the atheist so patiently day in and day out for the simple reason that Jesus Christ are so incredibly patient with us and most earthlings are anyway too remote for most of us to effectively reach.

3. WRESTLING WITH GOD. Most Christians themselves have been personally wrestling with God on their own terms and have had to come to a faith in and knowledge of God personally through many long years and nights of tears and struggle. A comprehended God is no God, and those who come to God must come to Him in faith and personal, experiential trials over the entire course of life. Do the math: If God (YHWH) could be intellectually fully comprehended at all by mortal man, He would not be God, but an imposter. Here is a handy hint: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Jesus Christ, Matthew Chptr 5).
   Atheists must learn to stop arguing and rabble rousing Christians, and, rather begin to wrestle with God Himself; stop making their emotional insecurities, intellectual procrastinations and cynical obfuscations the emergency of Christians. The place to start is through reading the Bible and prayer, and the first station of action is not to challenge Christians on the 'existence of God', but to challenge God on His existence Himself. 
  Since God is the Highest Authority in the Cosmos, the atheist's only hope is to appeal to God against God. Only after the atheist has proved His (so-called) non-existence successfully to God Himself, should atheists approach Christians with such information (and, of course, the evidence for it).
   Appeal to God against God; so, don't appeal to us Christians against God; you're barking up the wrong tree. We not only believe that God exists ... we know that He exists (and we shudder).


1. ATHEISM AND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. Proving to atheists the existence of God is not the Christians' duty; every born-again Christian has probably had to prove the existence of God for himself/herself many times over, and, it probably always was/is a very personal struggle, in many cases probably one of quite epic proportions. 
   So, as alluded to before, the atheists' should stop making their lack of vigourous Biblical study, moral virility, intellectual stamina and transcendent spiritual curiosity the final emergency of Christians. Christians are, at best, despatch-riding messengers of the Gospel, and not the intellectual midwives, curators and babysitters of griping, complaining and blaspheming atheists.

2. ATHEISTS SHOULD SHOW MORE INITIATIVE. Atheists will have to learn to grasp the bull by the horns by themselves, wrestle with God on a personal level the way Jacob did and prove or disprove His existence or non-existence for themselves. Moreover is the atheists' greatest challenge not to prove to Christians that God does not exist; their first and foremost challenge is to prove to God Himself that He does not exist. Only once they have persuaded Him that He does not exist, will they have deserved the right to try and prove to Christians that God does not exist. 
   Christians are not the ones with the 'God-problem'; on the contrary, they have long since come to not only believe that God exists, but also to know, by His grace, that He exists. The atheists are the ones with the problem, and a good dose of oldfashioned humility will probably go a long way to resolving that issue for them. 
   Here's the deal ... atheists have a fiduciary duty to themselves to prove the existence of God by themselves since they are the ones with the problem, not the Christians. Even though it may be an epic struggle and a formidable challenge, just draw near unto God and, in time, He will draw near unto you. 
   William Cowper (1731-1800) has written, "God moves in many a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footprint in the sea and rides upon the storm".

3. CHRISTIANS DO NOT HAVE A MONOPOLY ON THE GOSPEL. Furthermore, Christians do not have a monopoly on the Gospel, or, on the grace of God. God is Sovereign and will have mercy upon whom He wishes to have mercy, and, will have compassion on whom He wishes to have compassion; remember the kind, empathic evildoer on the cross and the compassion with which Christ responded to Him at the slightest hint of the evildoer's own compassionate (otherwise revolting criminal) humanity. 
   We are not called to be intellectual prima donnas pretending to know everything ... we don't. It is for the very reason that we do not know everything that we kneel and submit to the divine superiority of the knowledge, discretion and wisdom of the YHWH, or 'I Am', of Moses and Mt. Sinai. 
   The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God, and, that God is a Rewarder of those who believe that He IS (exists) and diligently seek Him. With an assumed I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) of INFINITY to the power of INFINITY, surely He (Jehovah-Jireh) must have a better chance of guiding and navigating us through the rough patches of life on this here lonely little planet in the outposts of the Milky Way Galaxy. All we have to do is to simply repent and believe the Gospel and, like the prodigal son of old, rise up and return to the waiting Father in Heaven. [Mark 1:15; John 3:16-17; John 1:12; Romans 6:23; Revelation Chptr 22).


1. THE INDEFATIGABLY UNHAPPY ATHEIST TEMPERAMENT. Be honest ... have you ever seen or met a happy, fulfilled, buoyantly cheerful atheist? I haven't, and why are we not surprised; why would anyone subscribing to the death-cult of Atheism-Evolutionism be particularly cheerful? Why would anyone preaching the morbid, depressing religious cult of death-after-death (the new "Dead Poets Society"?) want to be cheerful? Lecturing and writing on such a hopeless cause so devoid of meaning and purpose surely must be debilitatingly, demoralizingly painful and challenging. 

2. THE ATHEIST'S 'ABC SYNDROME'. By and large, the image of the average atheist, for me, usually conveys the impression of (at best), irreparable sadness and despondency, or (at worst) extreme anger, bitterness and cynicism, hence the coining of the phrase, "The Atheist's ABC Syndrome" (Always Angry, Bitter & Cynical). The reason for that probably is because true, lasting peace and joy, especially amidst trying circumstances, are probably impossible and unlikely without God, the Author of Life. 
Take the career of the palaeontologist and the museum curator: Is it really possible to work with the dead remains and unsanitary bones of deceased animals and humans year in and year out without getting depressed? How much does the job of the museum curator and palaeontologist really differ from that of the funeral undertaker? Both these categories of men or women work with the dead every day of their lives ... surely it cannot be very cheerful or gratifying to be reminded of death every waking hour of the day? 
   Fortunately the undertaker is rendering an important service to his/her fellow citizens, which certainly can produce a substantial degree of career gratification, especially for a funeral really well done. But, as far as I am concerned, the palaeontologist is, instead of proving Evolution with his excavation of fossils and fossil fragments, only serving to prove the fact of the historicity of the Bible and the authenticity of the Genesis Creation Account, since creationists believe that fossils, instead of proving Darwinian Evolution, actually are proving the historical fact of the Biblical Flood of Noah's day when the dead remains of animals and people were suddenly, during that deluge, laid down en masse worldwide in sediment to be fossilized. Research are showing this up increasingly day by day. 

3. THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ, who never lied, has said this about the Second Coming: 

"But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels of Heaven, but only My Father. But as the days of NOAH were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the FLOOD, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day NOAH entered into the ARK. And they did not know until the FLOOD came and took them all away. So also will be the coming of the Son of Man." [Matthew24:36-39MKJV]. (CAPITALS MINE FOR EMPHASIS). 

   How anyone, especially a (postmodernist) "Christian", can still walk around and say that the Biblical Flood & Ark story is an old, obsolete Jewish myth not to be taken seriously boggles the mind. Had Jesus Christ never affirmed the historicity of the Genesis Creation Account, there may still have been grounds for doubt among some about the authenticity of the Biblical Flood account, but, since Jesus Christ has personally affirmed the fact of the Flood, that fact has been burned into the solid 'Granite of Biblical History' forever, God's prima facie, archaeological/geological evidence for the historical Flood of Noah. Jesus Christ has said it, I believe it and that settles it.


1. ATHEIST DELUSIONS. Atheists do the strangest things. For instance, they are always either (i) complaining about life, badmouthing God, denigrating the Bible and insulting Christians, or (ii) trying to convert the public at large to their own brand of religion (belief system) of Atheism, founded most of the time and in most cases on their replacement 'Troika god' (in the place of the Holy Trinity) of Father TIME (for "Billions of Years"), Mother NATURE (for "Survival of the Fittest") as first introduced in the popular press by their de facto messiah, Charles Darwin. 
   Now, I have said it before and must reiterate: I get the impression that not all atheists necessarily suffer from 'Atheism' per se, but rather from some peculiar strain of mental depression, hence our referring to the atheists' classical "ABC", i.e., always Angry, Bitter and Cynical, over time manifesting in many, multitudinous and multiplicities of ways as e.g., banality, vulgarity, profanity and, in some cases, even blasphemy.

2. THE ULTIMATE IRONY. This is the phenomenon where the atheists (i) are always criticizing and insulting God (e.g., like Dawkins) for the brute He allegedly is and for messing up Creation and everything else wrong with the world, while, at the same time, (ii) were they to be asked who created the Cosmos, they would probably retort with, "Evolution created the world through the Big Bang when 'Nothing' exploded!"
   This is the irony: They complain about God for messing up Creation and for everything that is wrong with the world, but, when asked who created the world, they insist that 'Evolution' created the world; wouldn't the logical thing have been to do rather to blame Evolution for messing up its own (so-called) "Progressive Evolution" and everything that is wrong with the world?

3. DO THE MATH. If the explosion of 'Nothing' could have created such a majestic, orderly and magnificent (intelligently designed!) Cosmos as the atheists and evolutionists would want us to believe, imagine what could happen the day 'Something ' were to decide to explode.

4. WHY ATHEISTS CANNOT FIND GOD. Atheists could, in principle, not only find God but also know that He exists if only they followed the prompts and cues that the Bible has provided; what is the use of being a guru with I.T. systems, AI, super-computers and Smartphones, but a complete novice with the greatest Book (Manual for Life) in the world ever written? The Bible (still the bestselling book of all time) teaches:

     - WE MUST BE PURE IN HEART. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!" (Matthew Chptr5).

     - WE MUST ASK. "And I say to you, Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you." (Luke11:9MKJV).

     - WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. "Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3MKJV).

     - WE MUST ACCEPT CHRIST. "But as many as received Him [JESUS], He gave to them authority to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name." (John1:12MKJV).

5. DEBRIEFING. Do the math:

     - How can the atheist ever be pure in heart when he is walking around all day long insulting and blaspheming God, the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

     - How can the atheist expect anything from God if he, over and above insulting and blaspheming God, refuses to pray and ask something from God? This "ASK", by the way, is one of the most potent acronyms ever devised by the Saviour, Jesus Christ:

                                             A = Ask
                                          S = Seek
                                          K = Knock

   Yet, people will rather go to listen to what a "famous" atheist has to say (whose knowledge is, according to scientific consensus, founded on only about 5% maximum of all there is to know about the Cosmos) than take the advice of God (who knows 100% of what there is to know about the Cosmos + Extra) to pray and ask Him for wisdom. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Job28:28).

     - How can the atheist be born again when he refuses to accept Christ so that he can become a child of God? Bear in mind that the Bible teaches that all men (all people) are created by God but that not all people are children of God. We become a child of God when we accept Christ as Lord & Saviour of the world and Messiah of the Jews (John1:12).

P.S. Jesus Christ has not only created the Cosmos (Hebrews1:1-4), and will sit as Chief Justice presiding at the Great White Throne Judgment, but has also solemnly declared: "Salvation is of the Jews" (whether we like it or not).


1. QUESTIONS SCIENTISTS AND PSEUDO-SCIENTISTS CANNOT ANSWER. Outside the ambit of Biblical revelation, real scientists and pseudo-scientists (evolutionists) cannot answer questions such as the examples below. Bear in mind that it is not an exhaustive list, only a sample: 

     1.1 Why is there SOMETHING instead of NOTHING? Why is there a Cosmos, i.e., galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets & moons, etc., at all? Some may now object and say that it is an unfair, philosophical question, which is untrue ... it is just as much a scientific question as it is a philosophical one. 
   If dumb, brainless "Evolution" really created the world, what was the reason or cause for it? The best answer someone has ever managed to come up with, i.e., satirically speaking, was that, had there really been NOTHING instead of SOMETHING, how on earth would people have been able to ask the question, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" 

     1.2 WHERE do we come from? If "Evolution" created the Big Bang and the Big Bang created the Cosmos, what or who created Evolution in the first place (and why?). Bear in mind that Harvard Cosmologists have conceded that humans will probably never be able to answer this question; are atheists smarter than Harvard Cosmologists?

     1.3 WHY are we here? Why are we here, and why was it expedient for (so-called, brainless, dumb) "Evolution" to (allegedly) have created a species such as ours ... to kill unborn children en masse, prove that men can give birth and that biological men should be allowed to compete against (real) women in sports? If we are born only to kill unborn children en masse, why would we anyway need an extra gender to give birth to babies that are also anyway going to be aborted? Why exacerbate the problem by (theoretically) adding an extra "birthing father" ... are we not killing enough? 

     1.4 WHERE are we going? To Mars? Is life on earth (and in the Universe) really the "End Game" as the atheists would want us to believe? And, if that really is what the atheists "believe", why are we not allowed to insist that Atheism is a religion ("belief system"), and not a "Science"? 

     1.5 Is there HOPE for Planet Earth? Apparently not, because everybody wants to "emigrate" to Mars. 

     1.6 Is there HOPE for the human race? Apparently not, for, according to the Leftists, there either are no genders at all or there are 50+ genders (now apparently already 72 genders) and unborn children should be aborted anyway. So, according to their "philosophy", the human race must be engineered into extinction (Incidentally, in rational societies and communities this is referred to as a "death cult"). 
   How killing babies (to reduce the population and stem population growth) and importing illegal aliens together make sense in Leftist mathematics boggles the mind. 

     1.7 How can we distinguish between RIGHT and WRONG? In Leftist philosophy this distinction ( and hence, this challenge) will not be necessary, since there are no such things as good and evil ... only, "the thinking that makes it so". Everything is "relative" ("Moral Relativism & Situational Ethics"), making one wonder: If everything were really relative and there really were no such things as good and evil, why would they need Leftist Policing (ACLU etc.) to prevent parents from bringing the Bible and prayer back into public schools? If there really were no such things as good and evil, why do Leftists insist that the striking down of the (1973) Roe vs. Wade legislation in 2022 was "unfair" (i.e., wrong)? 

2. THE BIBLE THE ONLY RELIABLE MORAL COMPASS. What do atheists recommend as their de facto moral compass of choice: Mao's 'Little Red Book'? 'Mein Kampf'? L. Ron Hubbard's 'Dianetics'? The 'Book of Mormon'? The (fake) 'New World Translation of the Bible'?' 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'? The World Transformation Movement's 'Human Condition'? Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life'? (Notice the racist slur, "Preservation of Favoured Races", in this title of Darwin's 1859 book); Scientology's 'Dianetics'? 
   Jesus Christ has promised: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew24:35KJV).


1. DO THE MATH (IF YOU CAN). How long will it take the average person to calculate the answer to the following maths problem without the aid of a 'Frontier' supercomputer, a maths-calculator or any technological, super-calculating device: 

   (97867564534231 x 97867564534231) divided by (13243546576879 x 13243546576879) with the result to the power of (987654321 divided by 123456789)? 

   Be that as it may, how long do people think it would take the God of Moses (YHWH) to calculate the answer to the same maths problem: 24 hours? 12 hours? 2 hours? 1 hour? 30 minutes? 15 minutes? 1 minute? 60 zepto-seconds? 30 zepto-seconds? 1 zepto-second? 

2. GOD EXISTS INDEPENDENTLY OF TIME, SPACE AND MATTER AS WE KNOW IT. Any reply given in some kind of time-lapse will be the incorrect answer, since God will not need time to calculate the answer; He will know the answer by default the way we instinctively know that 1 + 1 = 2 without ever having to calculate it. Even were we to imagine any conceivable or even inconceivable of the most complex and difficult maths problems in the Cosmos; God would probably know all the answers automatically by default and instantly without even having to calculate it. He knows all the answers to all the maths problems in the Cosmos automatically, the way we know that grass is green, the sky is blue and clouds are white. 
   Furthermore does He not only have the capacity and ability to calculate the answer to any imaginable maths-problem; He even is capable of calculating the answer to any maths-problem that we are not even capable of imagining. The Bible teaches that God can even do far above that  which we may ever dare to think or ask. There is not an imagination on earth alive to 'out-imagine' what God is capable of doing. 

3. THE MIND OF GOD IS INFINITE. The Bible says that the mind of God is "infinite". "Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite." (Psalm 145:5MKJV). It thus stands to reason that we can safely assert that God's I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) probably is in the region of INFINITY to the power of INFINITY. 
   Now, imagine the average Christian or atheist trying to pit his or her intellect (with an I.Q. of say, anything between 100 and 180) against that of God ... wouldn't it be plum silly? Bear in mind that the distance between the mind of God and that of the most intelligent of men, say a 'Goethe', with his reported I.Q. of 210, is far greater than the distance between the mind of, for instance, a fruitfly and that of man, whether a Christian or an atheist. No one would recommend for a fruitfly to debate Albert Einstein, would he? Yet, atheists want to pit their mind against that of God? 
   The average person (of whatever persuasion) would not, off the cuff, even be able to explain the proper chemical analysis for the contents in a heap of cowdung, yet we want to explain to the public at large the history, origins, dynamics and mysteries of the entire Cosmos founded on (according to scientists) only 5% knowledge of what is going on in the Cosmos?
   I used to have a friend, now deceased, who once told me (my paraphrasing): "It is impossible and futile to describe the majesty, power, glory and greatness of God ... when trying to do that, the moment you open your mouth, after the very first sentence, you have already begun to insult Him." 
   Our inadequacies are exquisitely painful, and our superficialities and ignorance run equally exquisitely deep.

4. HUMILITY IS A PRECIOUS CHARACTER TRAIT. The Bible teaches that pride and haughtiness come before the fall, but that humility has a great reward; that is why Christians can marvel at the wonder, magnificence and majesty of the Cosmos so cheerfully despite the current problems and challenges they face, the consequences of the fall of man in Eden. 
   They have simply decided to take the Word of God in the good faith (like a little child) with the understanding that He probably is the only Persona in (or outside of) the Cosmos with the moral status and scientific gravitas to explain the world to ordinary people on earth; and, He has been doing exactly that for millennia without fail. Because atheists have convinced themselves that this world is the "End Game", i.e., with no Hereafter, they are losing out big time for dismissing God as a myth and/or insulting and denigrating Him as "evil" and "cruel". 
   Had the science community at large remained humble instead and not wasted their time (165 years?) with the pseudo-scientific, religious cult of defunct Evolutionism, the world probably would have been "riding" (not "flying") around in the sky with colourful sky-cars and sky-busses by now, with gigantic, GPS-controlled hologram images for street-signs controlling the traffic ... all powered by forces from Einstein's Unified Field Theory.



     1.1 Demons and terrorists revile Jews, Christians, the Synagogue/Church and the Bible ... and so do atheists. 

     1.2 Demons and terrorists revile the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus Christ ... and so do atheists. 

     1.3 Demons and terrorists revile/reject God and Jesus Christ ... and so do atheists. 

     1.4 Demons and terrorists refuse to read/cherish/believe the Bible ... and so do atheists. 

2. THE MULTI-MILLION-ROUBLE QUESTION. Why do atheists prefer to (ideologically speaking) rather take hands with and be on the side of terrorists than taking hands with or being on the side of Christians? Is that the reason why the Bible refers to atheists as "the wicked and the ungodly"? Richard Dawkins must have realised the terrible dilemma he is putting atheists in, hence his latest backtracking in favour of "Cultural Christianity". Thanks Professor Dawkins ... much appreciated.


1. THE VALUE OF SCIENCE. Science can, on the one hand, be a brilliant and useful servant (as modern technology and conveniences clearly have proved) but, on the other hand, a bad and brutal master (as the atomic bombs on Horoshima and Nagasaki etc. have proved). The Christian's attitude is that Science should be treated as a servant, whereas atheists, by and large, appear to have assumed that Science should be 'worshipped' (revered), hence the word, 'Scientism': "An exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation, as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities." (Merriam-Webster). 
   Apart from being brutal, Science can also be pretty useless sometimes. I have already lost about a dozen family members in our extended circle to cancer, which makes me marvel at the atheists exaggerated, almost childish, trust in Science. For instance, Science has proved itself totally at loss to (outside the ambit of Biblical revelation) provide coherent, logical and/or useful answers to the most critical of questions humans (including some brilliant academics and scientists) today love to ask, etc. (as alluded to earlier): 

     - Why is there something instead of nothing? 

     - Where do we come from? 

     - Why are we here? 

     - Where are we going? 

     - Is there hope for planet earth? 

     - Is there hope for the human race? 

     - How can we know right from wrong? 

2. ATHEISM: THE CAUSE WITHOUT A PURPOSE. The 'House of Atheism' is crumbling at its foundations; it is falling apart, and why are not surprised ... a house divided against itself shalll never stand. Unless Atheism gets its house in order, no Christian worth his salt wil ever be seriously interested in what atheists have to say. 
   Atheism actually has become the new "Dead Poets Society" of the 21st Century, and no wonder Richard Dawkins refers to his toxic brand of Atheism as "the poetry of reality". For instance, if the atheist's brain really had, by his own admission, 'evolved' (sic) from the brain of a monkey-like "hominid" as the atheists would want us to believe, why would any rational, especially educated and God-fearing, Christian want to trust the opinions, pronouncements and harebrained ideas of such a brain? 
   My advice to young kids? Never speak to strangers, men wearing dresses and people who believe in the morbid religious cult of death-after-death. Even were the atheists right (which they aren't), why would anyone still want to teach, preach and lecture on such a hopeless, depressing anti-gospel of bad news? In that case, why not just sit back and observe the world going to pot? Why waste time, energy, labour and money on a cause without a purpose? 

3. MANY ATHEISMS. Atheism has many ideological nuances, highways, byways and off-ramps, but can, anecdotally, probably be summarised as four basic types: 

     Type #1: The group that insists that God "does not exist". 

     Type #2. The group that insists that God "must have lived" in the primordial past, but that he is now "dead". 

     Type #3. The group that insists that God "exists", but that He is "evil." 

     Type #4: All of the above (those who cannot make up their minds). 

P.S. If Richard Dawkins is to believed, i.e., that (i) there is "no God" and, at the same time, that (ii) God is "evil", then the atheists must still explain to Christians how God could be "dead" and "evil" at the same time. 

3. ENTERS THE CULTURAL CHRISTIAN. Leo Tolstoy is reported to have said that man is at his nearest to God when he is in trouble. Another wise man has (satirically) remarked that, every time when flying, at the very moment the plane hits turbulence he can literally feel the "Atheism" leaving his body! 
   The fact is, when faced by the terror of the unknown or by some great catastrophe, man usually instinctively turns to God, whether he is an atheist or Christian or not. Even that prolific doyen of the death-cult of Atheism-Evolutionism, Richard Dawkins, has recently ideologically capitulated by gravitating back to "cultural Christianity". The spectre of imminent death is an ever-present menace to all of us: Young people can die; old people must die. The mortality rate for humankind is still 100% for all nations, and every single one of us will yet die of something, no matter how carefully and faithfully we select our amino acids and vitamins, or whether we are "vaccinated" or not.    
     Commenting on the antisocial brutality and destructiveness of Islamic terrorism, Dawkins, apparently fazed and in considerable distress, recently issued a statement to the public at large to the effect that he now identifies as "cultural Christian". Fear can make some people do the weirdest of (correct) things sometimes, and, no wonder, for even a stopped clock can be still 100% accurate at least twice a day.


1. EVIDENCE FOR GOD. Evidence for the existence of God is all over the Cosmos and our planet; those who cannot see evidence for God and an Intelligent Designer in the Universe are either being disingenuously spiteful or maliciously insincere.
   The problem with the atheist is that he/she expects to "see" (evidence for) God while, at the same time, badmouthing and insulting God all day long, and that while Jesus Christ has said: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God ... Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Beatitudes, Matthew Chptr 5).
   So, how the atheist expects to discover God following that obnoxious route boggles the mind. The Bible teaches that God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. Pride (haugtiness) comes before the fall.
   The bitter  (and amusing) irony is that atheists, although they claim to not believe in intelligent design, have become consummate specialists in intelligent design themselves. For instance, despite dismissing the idea of intelligent design, the atheist will nevertheless not object to:

     - Using the tools and disciplines of academia and intelligent design in his science or craft, e.g., mathematics, astronomy, astrophysics, biochemistry, biology, physics etc. and all the trappings of academia's research facilities and state-of-the-art labs, theses, dissertations, encyclopedias, textbooks, science journals, articles, pamphlets, newsletters, printing machines, legacy media & social media platforms etc.

     - Spectroscopes, telescopes (optical), microscopes, stethoscopes, slide-rules, computers, scientific calculators, cellphones & cellphone chargers, microphones, lecterns, lecture rooms, museums, fossil & archaelogical exhibits, the instruments of scientific excavation, geology, chemistry, spectroscopy, radio-telescopes, satellites, space-stations, GPS, telephones, radio, television, e-mail, fax machines & electronic fax-facilities, Internet (websites, blogs, vlogs, podcasts etc.), research grants, airplanes, trains, buses, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, canoes, electricity, flashdrives, cameras, wireless data etc.

2. THE ULTIMATE IRONY. In spite of this activity and investment in the tools, materials and disciplines of intelligent design, the atheist then still goes ahead to submit unfalsifiable data as so-called "evidence" for his/her favourite religion-of-choice, i.e., Darwinism. For instance:

     - Stellar Evolution. No one can go back "billions of years" into the past to go and verify and validate the outrageous claims of evolutionists about the age of the Cosmos; evolutionists expect from us to accept their word in "good faith" (!).

     - Geological Evolution. No one can go back "billions or millions of years" into the past to go and verify and validate the outrageous claims of evolutionists about the age of the earth or of geological strata. Again we are expected to accept their word in "good faith".

     - Biological Evolution. No one can go back "millions of years" into the past to go and verify and validate the outrageous claims of evolutionists/palaeontologists about the age of fossils. With such a strong emphasis on the value of the "scientific method", "empirical evidence" and the utility value of Academia and Science, we stand amazed at the atheists' habit of submitting unverifiable, unvalidated, unfalsifiable data and information as evidence for Evolution and for Atheism. 
   There is no way we will accept their brand of "Science" simply in "good faith". Real Science demands verifiable, falsifiable evidence as proof. The ultimate irony was, once when I asked an evolutionist why they were doing something so contrary to real Science, he non-chalantly replied: "We falsify our evidence theoretically!" (I rest my case).

3. THE TRUTH IS MARCHING ON. The old song still goes, "Glory, glory hallelujah ... His truth is marching on!" Christians are still preaching the Gospel all over the world, despite the objecting, the moaning, the the anger, the bitterness and the cynicism from the agents of unbelief. In a lighter vein, "The hounds of Bashan bark, but this great Gospel caravan just keeps rolling merrily along ... century after century after century!"


1. I.Q. (INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT) TEST ONLY FOR THE SMARTEST. How omnipotent (almighty) is the God of the Bible (YHWH) really ... omnipotent enough to have created the Cosmos in "13.8 billion years" (sic) but not omnipotent enough to have created the world in six ordinary weekdays of 24 hours each? What kind of "omnipotence" would that be? So, how omnipotent is God really? (You choose):

     - Absolutely & Infinitely omnipotent? 
     - Almost Absolutely & Infinitely omnipotent?
     - Very omnipotent? 
     - Just a little bit omnipotent? 
     - Not omnipotent at all?

2. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. In the Bible, God speaks: "I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded ... For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: 'I am the LORD; and there is none else'." [Isaiah 45:12, 18KJV].

3. THE TESTIMONY OF JOB. "Then Job answered the LORD, and said, I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee." [Job42:1-2KJV].

4. THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST. "And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." [Mark10:27KJV].


   Until experts can prove that DNA from the Shroud matches DNA from the physical remains of Jesus Christ, the Shroud will remain only a relic of curiosity ... but nevertheless of zero consequence. Time for supporters of the idea that it actually was the Shroud in which Jesus Christ was wrapped to let go of it. 
   Even were the Shroud 2 000 years old (as surmised by some starry-eyed researcher) it still would not mean that the Shroud actually belonged to the historical Christ. They are barking up a gumtree with no possum in it. Born again Christians do not need this Shroud to bolster their faith. We have someone far better, i.e., the 'Vicar of Christ' (the Paracletos, or Holy Spirit) who comforts and convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment.


1. WHY ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE ATTACKS CHRISTIANS. Rolling Stone Magazine's recent vitriolic attack on a wellknown Christian public figure came as no surprise; they are following the same yellow brick road as all secular humanists usually or eventually will do, i.e., away from Judeo-Christian values to today's boring, gaudy, morbid & confused 'WOKE inc. driven apostasy. Like their Siamese twins, the atheists, the staff from ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE apparently do not support our time-tested Judeo-Christian values any longer, but exactly the opposite. 
   Do the math: If a person is not pro-Christ (with the good news Gospel as the THESIS), he is obviously Anti-Christ (with the bad news of Leftism as the ANTITHESIS); there are no demilitarized zones in the war of ideas. Jesus Christ has warned: "Those who are not for me, are against me." 

2. SOME SECULAR HUMANIST BELIEFS. Just as reminder, secular humanists, postmodernists and atheists for instance: 

     - do not believe in Absolute Truth (like God, the paragon of Absolute Truth and Biblical values), except for the absolute truth of secular humanism, postmodernism and Leftist driven Wokeism; belief-systems ("religions") they tout with a religious fervour that probably would shame many an indolent Christian. 

     - do not believe in intolerance, except of course for intolerance toward "intolerant" Christians and Orthodox and Messianic Jews. 

3. BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM. Of course there are exceptions, just as their are bad apples among Christians and Jews. But, by and large, atheists and secular humanists (i.e., in the popular vernacular, "Leftists") can (and I repeat) usually be recognised by the acronym ABC, or the by the term, "The ABC Syndrome". 
   This strange phenomenon may often be observed in their demeanour, the written language or in public speech, i.e., usually Angry, Bitter and Cynical, of whom Bart Ehrman, Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye (and the late Bertrand Russell and Christopher Hitchens) probably are/were the most prolific of wellknown exponents. 
   Jesus has taught: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth; blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew Chptr. 5).

💥FILE 13

File 13 (the wastebin) is where all modern, suburban, pagan "theologies" belong, e.g., the "theologies" of Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Bill Nye, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Ron L. Hubbard, Robert Funk, Jeremy Griffith, Sakkie Spangenberg (South Africa) and Bart Ehrman etc. There is no way that the collective profundity of the philosophising and conjecturing of these deluded intellectual giants will ever even remotely match the scope and moral gravitas of the words of Moses and Jesus Christ. Wisdom does not come from the university; the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and, because they do not fear God and do not have wisdom, they will dismiss my "theology" as obsolete, irrelevant and nonsensical. (Proverbs 1:7; Job 28:28).

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